What am I Doing?

#5 Over and Over Again7.5" x 7.5" Pastel© V.N.Ross

#5 Over and Over Again
7.5" x 7.5" Pastel
© V.N.Ross

let me rephrase that. WHAT the h*** am I DOING!

TeeHee, RB Wicki won. But, WHAT the h*** am I DOING! Karen Margulis and Deborah Secor and Marla Baggetta have already done this, written the book, and have the shirt. I had to get clear that I was doing this for ME, not for anyone or anything else. I wanted a platform where some elements were pre-determined so I could do some impulse painting. 

Wanna paint with four very dark colors? Not my typical urge, but if I want to, I can! High Key (all light colors) or Low Key (all dark colors). Underpaint with watercolor? mineral spirits? water? fixative? What about modeling paste...gesso...matte medium...paper making fiber...crackle...gold leaf...gold webbing spray...collage...NOW Wicki has come up with something different. Mixed Media. Whatever tool I have in my magic tool chest is legal.

Ok, I've rationalized how I can make this idea my own. Now. Typical artist mentality...sure don't want to waste good pastel boards or gesso boards for playing! So, having enough watercolor paper in inventory to satisfy this part of the world, that will work! SIZE? Of course, what will a full sheet of paper break down to in squares (my shape of the moment)...no waste. Easy to fold in half/thirds/half. 7.5" is the magic number so they will stay small and not cost an arm and leg to frame.

For several weeks I'd find me looking for the perfect simple compositional shapes...ones that wouldn't confine me too much...and that would not be restricted to one genre like landscape. THAT solved. Tape first three to board. Now what? 

Go back and read and look at what the others did. Back to the easel. Sit. Stare. LB Victoria is fighting to maintain control. Wicki gives in a bit, and creates some fairly typical landscapes in the first three. 

Now What...? Stay tuned...

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Three down. Ninety-Seven to go. Can I do this? Can I ignore the nay-sayers who mean well, but ask me "what are you DOING this for?"  As I mentioned in the first post, Vicki's 100 Repetition with Variations #1, I tried to talk me out of this. Victoria told Wicki (LB told RB in ZenZone post) to STOP bugging her about this crazeee idea. To just go paint if that makes her happy, but DON'T start another project.